These days, we’re more connected than ever – thanks to smartphones, virtual meetings and social media. But, in this age of round-the-clock digital interaction, there is still nothing that can compare to a simple face-to-face conversation.
Sitting down with another person in a real-life environment to talk face-to-face conveys so much more than an email or a Facebook comment ever could. It allows you to genuinely connect; to absorb more than just words. This is communication at its most organic; at its fullest.
Currently there is very poor – in some cases absent – regular interactions by members of Cairns Regional Council with the broader community. Councillors are elected to represent residents. It makes sense that they should get out into their communities and talk directly to the people they represent.
That’s why I plan to introduce regular Community Conversations, where two-way communication is valued and encouraged. We’re already making moves in this direction during our campaign, setting up conversations in a range of public settings. We want to hear from you from the very start so we can go into the next term of Council confident that our community is properly represented. I hope you’ll get out to a Community Conversation in your area to meet your division candidate and let them know what’s important to you.
Moving forward, Team Eden is committed to establishing six-monthly Community Conversations in each division, facilitated by the local Councillor. They will be tailored to the needs of each division as a platform to share information, concerns and ideas with Councillors and senior Council officers. I’ll also be getting out as much as I can to meet people in every division so I can truly understand what makes our city and our community tick.
This is just one of many ways we intend to open up the lines of communications to create a more transparent, accountable and engaged Council. So, let’s talk…..
Amy Eden, Team Eden Mayoral Candidate, Cairns Regional Council